College and Career Planning

Instructor: Malika Bell, MS

It is designed to help students learn and practice valuable skills to help them to be career and college ready. Students will demonstrate their understanding of career paths through a variety of assessments, projects, job simulations, speeches, research assignments, online portfolio, and a research paper. Students will identify academic interest, skills, values and personality types, research employers and industries, gain experience with public speaking and interview skills, familiarize themselves with college and job search tools, strengthen writing skills, learn goal setting, solidify research techniques, and write a research paper utilizing correct MLA format.  We will invite guest speakers from the community to discuss their career pathways and we will research various careers of interest and keep a career journal that will be added to weekly.  

Textbook:  TBD

We are submitting the syllabus to Ocean Grove for approval as an "A-G course" in the "College Prep Elective Section G" category for "Life Skills."